Summervibes Ybor 2022

Svibes has now been successfully hosted for 6 years. Year 1 in Lakeland and 2-5 in Ybor. It was initially started as a Cars N Beaches replacement event. We wanted it to allow us to move it around to different parts of FL and not be tied to a beach. Ybor city has been the best location for this event yet. However, we don’t want to stop here; we want to continue to evolve and create enough space to have additional cars, vendors, and participants. We want to give you a reason to come out and spend the weekend and enjoy yourself Also the ability to attract additional sponsors, bring a better networking experience, and more space for marketing activations.
Where do I start? Svibes Ybor 2022 was surreal. It was certainly a hot one but I must be thankful that it didn’t rain. It was a wild weekend for me personally. First finding out I’m about to have a son and then no rain on a weekend that was at one point 60% chance. I’m a strong believer in faith and I believe God went ahead and cleared the way for everything to do what it needed to do. I’m thankful. People came out in the thousands. We might have had double the amount of spectators at one point than we did last year. I’m thankful. I take nothing for granted, we had a lot of behind the scenes stuff to handle during the event and as I always say our iLDS crew steps up and makes it happen. Svibes in Ybor is getting very expensive to host and I’ve been working on ways to keep it going and stay affordable. The parking prices in Ybor alone should show you the level of transparency when I speak on what’s happening. There might be price changes next year but i’ll certainly find a way to make it make sense. The City of Tampa is great and they’ve worked with us in so many ways to make this year happen. The officers, fire, and everyone else that worked the event were awesome. There are so many layers to doing an event like this and I couldn't be any more thankful for the chemistry of all the departments that pull this together for us.
I know you might have experienced this year’s event differently to me because I'm financially and emotionally invested. However, it’s mutual because you want to have your car there and have a good time. I want you to have your car there and have a good time too. So lets start with S1built, they reached out to me saying they wanted to collab on something. I’m like Humm, the event budget is kind of tight as it is because we were in a pending state trying to acquire more space for the event. So I jump out and joined forces with them to get one of the Cali Youtubers out here. Youngstatic was in TPA FL YO! I was fan-boying. I typically never do that but Real recognize real. Zosh, Static, Mark, Kyle, and a few others I typically watch on Youtube I respect because I'm a Honda boy. They are always welcomed at our events. I might not agree with everything they do but they have a platform and what better way to show unity by bringing them together. The mix of vendors, exotic cars, VIP cars, show cars, mini truckers, race cars, street cars, and seeing people I haven’t seen in years. It was worth it to me just to have the conversations with people and tell them I appreciate them and what they do for the community.
I know this blog is ridiculously long but IDC. Yo Tampa was outside. There were people there I didn’t even get to see but I was able to see from their stories. My DJ friends, singers, rappers, artist, friends and FAMILY were all there. I was so humbled you would never know. I know this might be a weird way to promote what’s about to happen next but save 727-730-2022 in your calendar.

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