Summervibes St. Pete 2022

Summer in Florida is very unpredictable. It’s mostly sunny but it can certainly start raining in the middle of the day and ruin plans. Thankfully we didn't get any rain and were able to host Svibes in St. Pete.
In typical beach weather, we bought cars out to St. Pete and spread them across the waterside downtown area. Our goal was to give enthusiasts something different to experience. The number of things to do in St. Pete extended well past just looking at cars if you truly wanted to experience more.
St.Pete was completely different from Tampa to work with. Our crew delivered on this one and this moment will certainly be one to remember. Thanks to everyone in the picture and even to those you can’t see who certainly bore the sun with us too.
A huge shout out to the vendors (businesses) that entrusted us to organize this. Also, the limelight participants, photographers, videographers, and supporters attended. You guys and gals killed it and have motivated us in many ways you don’t even know.
For now, I leave you with 12/10/2022 TBC.
If you have any questions hit me up personally. @ildsross All the good feedback leave it below. I never take all the credit because I don’t do this by myself.
Yes, I am having a baby and his name is Atlas, as promised I'd share my registry link. No, I don't need your charity, but if you care and support me and my family then feel free to show the love.
Thanks for the love and support always,

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